Vossoughinia H, Taghi Shakeri M, Mokhtari Amirmajdi E, Ravan bakhsh F, Abedini S. Risk Factors for Hepatitis B and C in 400 Blood Donor Volunteers in Mashhad During 2003-2007: A Case-control Study. Intern Med Today 2010; 15 (4) :68-75
1- , vosoghiniah@mums.ac.ir
Abstract: (12282 Views)
Background and Aim: Infection with Hepatitis B and C viruses is common in Iran. Prevention is the most effective way to control these infections in our country. In order to determine the best way of prevention, the main modes of transmission must be understood.
Materials and Methods: A case-control study was performed on 60 Anti-HCV positive and 340 HBsAg positive blood donor volunteers who came to Mashhad blood transfusion organization (BTO) and they were compared with 400 Anti-HCV and HBsAg negative hospitalized patients who were matched with the case group in regard to age and sex. The modes of transmission were investigated through a detailed questionnaire that focused on the common risk factors of HBV and HCV contagion. Univariate analysis and stepwise forward Logistic Regression analysis were used to compare the case and the control groups. Statistical analysis was carried out by SPSS software version 11.5. P value ≤ 0.05 was considered as statistically significant.
Results: The frequency of Anti-HCV and HBsAg positivity among blood donor volunteers in Mashhad was %0.10 and %1.17. In final multivariate analysis only needle stick was remained as a common risk factor for both Anti-HCV positive and HBS Ag positive cases. (OR: 16.94 and 7.12 respectively). History of jaundice (OR: 5.05), dental operation (OR: 4.50), and history of prison (OR: 8.08) were found to be independent risk factors for HCV infection. Tattoo and prison history were independent predictors for HBV infection.
Conclusion: The modes of transmission of HBV and HCV in Mashhad do not greatly differ from those in other parts of Iran. This study may be interesting because of the sero-prevalence of hepatitis C and B and its relationship with religious beliefs of the index population. There are certain medical procedures, life style patterns, customs and cultural matters in Mashhad that predispose people to a number of HCV and HBV risk factors.
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Original |
Basic Medical Science Received: 2010/04/24 | Published: 2010/01/15