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Showing 1 results for J. Palan

Dr. Mh. Shahraki, Dr. H. Mirshekari, Mr. M. J. Palan,
Volume 12, Issue 1 (vol-1 2006)

Abstract Background and Aim: Teucrium polium (TP) is one of the herbal medicaments which used as a visceral analgesic agent. The aim of this survey was to compare the effects of TP aqueous extract and morphine on tail-reaction time in the rat. Materials and Methods: This experimental survey was carried out on 36 wistar-albino female rats that divided in to 3 groups (n=12) randomly. First group samples were administered with TP oral extracts for 30 days. Second group samples were addicted by Marshal Method. The third group didn’t receive any agent. Tail reaction time was measured blindly by Tail Felike methods (UGO BASILE 7360, Italy). Data obtained were analyzed by SPSS (12). Software and statistical ANOVA and Tukey test. Results were expressed as meanSD. Statistical different were significantly by P0.05. Results: The results of this survey showed that tail reaction time were 12.95±1.72 mse in that group which received TP extract, 15.14±2.29 in addicted group and 7.74±1.63 mse, in control group respectively. These results showed that tail reaction time in groups were addicted and received TP extract increased compared with control group but did not any different between themselves. The mean weight in addicted group were significantly decreased compared with control and group which received TP extract but water consumption value was significantly decreased in addicted group compared with other groups. Conclusion: The results from this study showed that T.P aqueous extract can affect on somatic pain and increased tail felick reaction time in female rat. The exact mechanism needs future study.

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