Volume 13, Issue 2 (vol-2 2007)                   Intern Med Today 2007, 13(2): 5-11 | Back to browse issues page

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Momeni Moghadam H, Ansari H, Yekta A, Ehsani M, Samandar M, Mokhtari S. The survey of diagnostic tests in patients with convergence insufficiency referring to Alzahra (pbuh) ophthalmology center of zahedan in 2007. Intern Med Today 2007; 13 (2) :5-11
URL: http://imtj.gmu.ac.ir/article-1-159-en.html
1- , hmomeni_opt@yahoo.com
Abstract:   (11984 Views)
Background and Aim: The convergence insufficiency is an inability to converge or to maintain convergence for prolonged near work or in the other hand an inability to obtain or to maintain sufficient comfortable binocular vision at near. The symptoms associated with convergence insufficiency are asthenopia, headache, intermittent diplopia, perceived moving of print when reading etc. These symptoms can be worse with prolonged near work ,sleepness, stress, anxiety and illhealth. The clinical signs of this problem are remote near point of convergence,reduced positive fusional vergence and increase of exophoria at near.The stages of treatment are elimination of decompensating factors,correction of any refractive errors,vision training,prism prescription and surgery if required. The purpose of this study is the determination of mean and range of convergence insufficiency diagnostic tests in patients with convergence insufficiency. Materials and Methods: In this cross sectional study 74 patients aged 12-25 year with convergence insufficiency who refer to Alzahra eye center and had inclusion criteria selected randomly.After the determination of refractive errors by retinoscopy(with cyclopentolate %1 if needed)and best correction with subjective refraction, near point of convergence with millimeter rule,exophoria with alternate prism cover test and positive fusional vergence with prism bar was measured.One vertical row of reduced snellen chart with equivalent size approximately 20/30 used as a accommodative target.After collection of desired information,data were analysed by SPSS.14 . Results: From 74 subjects, 41 patient(%55/4)were females and 33 patient (%44/6) males. In this study the mean of near point of convergence, exophoria at near, positive fusional vergence were 11/97 ± 3/24 centimeter, 9/66 ± 4/36 prism diopter and 19/63±8/26 prism diopter respectively. There was not statistically significant relationship between sex and convergence insufficiency diagnostic tests (P>0.05). Conclusion: This study showed that the mean and standard deviation of near point of convergence,near exophoria and positive fusional vergence in most patients with convergence insufficiency were abnormal compared with patient without convergence insufficiency.Also in spite of normality of one diagnostic test,patient may have convergence insufficiency.
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Type of Study: Original | Subject: Internal Medicine
Received: 2008/03/18 | Published: 2007/07/15

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