Volume 10, Issue 1 (vol- 1 2004)                   Intern Med Today 2004, 10(1): 52-60 | Back to browse issues page

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Tavakkolizadeh J, Ghahramani M, Moghimian M. The Survey of stressful events on smoked and nonsmoked early adults of Gonabad city. Intern Med Today 2004; 10 (1) :52-60
URL: http://imtj.gmu.ac.ir/article-1-260-en.html
1- , jahanshir_t@yahoo.com.au
Abstract:   (18277 Views)
Background and Aim: The survey of demographic and psychological factors such as stress has basic importance in smoking as the most common and the cheapest addiction on early adults who are constructive and active persons of the society. So this study has been done to determine the stressful events on smoked and non-smoked adult people based on Pakle's life events questionnaire. Materials and Methods: This study is a survey study, which it has been done as a cross- sectional and descriptive - analytic study. The samples are 365 people that have been selected as the randomic cluster sampling. The data were analyzed by SPSS soft ware and Kendlls t/aub. Results: 5.9 percent of the people were smokers. Men (12.9%) were smoking significantly more than women (1.7%) (P=0). The greatest and the smallest rate of smoking people were seen at the age group of 25 to 30 (47.6%) and the least were in the age of 20 to 25 respectively. Also brothers and sisters of smoking people were smoking more than nonsmoker (28.6% against 3.3%)(P=0).The results also determined that there were no significant differences between the frequency and the mean of stressful event on smoked and non-smoked people. The most prevalent stressful events were determined the events:” heavy financial problems”, “insufficient income and salary” “a moderate financial problems” and “ transient unemployment” among the smokers and “ to appear moderate physical disease”,” being away from intimate person”,“ hospitalization of family members” and “to take part in an important exam” among non-smoked people. Conclusion: According to the most prevalent stressful events, it seems that special stressors (financial and economic stressors) may be related to smoking that can be analyzed according to individual assessments of stress, the importance of working, salary, and income in early adulthood..
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Type of Study: Original | Subject: Internal Medicine
Received: 2008/07/24 | Published: 2004/04/15

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